Leonie Mahon - Owner/Operator Ontogenesis Wellness Centre ( Central Coast, NSW)
The term ontogenesis is derived from the Greek words 'ont', translating to 'being', and 'genesis', meaning birth. It describes the arising of an individual organism over the entire lifespan. It encompasses the interactions, nature and distinctiveness of that which resides in our differences. Ontogenesis's Owner, Leonie Mahon, chose this name because the underlying concept seemed to fit beautifully with what she sees as the core principle for the range of services being offered.
Leonie has continuously witnessed how each individual has their own set of experiences and adaptations which impact their way of being in the world. She knows from experience, that with the right support we can all explore and move through our difficulties to increase our focused awareness so that we can live our lives more fully.
For further information about the services offered at Ontogenesis please click on the links below.