Ontogenesis is excited to offer a great selection of workshops specifically tailored to meet the needs of home schoolers. These workshops will be on offer during Term 2. More information can be found here.
Also new to Ontogenesis this month is the Soulful Sunday Group. This group will run monthly. It is a group for spiritually minded souls to connect and learn together. There will be dairy free chai and vegan bliss balls to share. The group will run for one and half hours and will cost $15. For enquiries about the inaugural group please call Leonie on 0423 922 251 or email info@ontogenesis.vpweb.com.au.
On Thursdays there will also be a Conscious Parenting Group. The aim of this group will be to provide useful information to parents about parenting children in a more consciouos way. The Conscious Parenting Group will offer support through sharing and learning with other like-minded parents. An information session for this group is scheduled for May 11th at 10 am. See further details below.